Language Levels

Language Levels

Level 1

Basic Skills & First Contacts

Hours: 40 Hours

This level is intended for students with little to no knowledge of the language. The aim is to present students with the practical vocabulary and syntax first needed to communicate in their target language. The student may have studied the language many years back and has not had the opportunity to be exposed or practice. In that case, the level is used to bring the student up to speed.

By the end of this level, students should have acquired the essential language necessary to get by in an anglophone environment: to order a meal, go shopping and make simple requests, ask for directions, call someone by phone, and introduce yourself. Students will have acquired a basic autonomy in the language.

This level lasts 40 hours. It can be done as an intensive course or classes at least once a week. The level is suitable for beginner students with an A1 level in the language and those with no previous exposure to the language. By the end of the level, students should progress to A2 or a low B1.

The outcome of the course also depends on the setting and environment of the student. This is to say that if the student is in an environment where they can practice their English, they will likely progress faster than students who have little or no exposure to the language outside of the classroom.

Level 2

Language refresher & Simple-intermediate

Hours: 15 Hours

This course runs for about 15 hours. It is intended as a refresher course for students who have already taken a course in this language but may need a refresher course to return to their previous intermediate level. The course starts off quite simply but targets errors in speaking that are very prevalent among students with a lower intermediate level or who may not have spoken the language for some time.

Students will revisit the vocabulary and syntax necessary to talk about their profession, where they come from, and daily life. Guided exercises, used to improve students’ structure in the language, are paired with conversational activities to strengthen overall spoken fluency and confidence.

This level lasts approximately 15 hours. It is suitable for students with an A2/B1 level in the language. It is also ideal for students with a slightly higher level who may not have used the language in some time. After 15 hours of studies, students should be at a firm B1 level.

This level allows you to face up to the most common needs in the country, get past simple social situations and participate in simple conversations. Students should be able to order a meal, go shopping, make a reservation in a restaurant or hotel, introduce themselves, explain who they are and where they come from, etc.

Level 3

Simple-intermediate to advanced

Hours: 50 Hours

This level, comprising units 10 to 14, provides students with the vocabulary and syntax necessary to describe, ask, and answer questions about their and others’ work and studies.

The level is intended for students with a simple-intermediate level in their target language. Through a combination of conversational, written, and reading exercises, students are guided through sentence structures and vocabulary necessary to bring them to an intermediate level.

This level lasts approximately 50 hours. It is suitable for students with a lower B1 level in the language. After 50 hours of studies, students should be at a B1 / B2 level in the language.

By the end of this level: You should be able to get by most social situations and take part in conversations on everyday topics such as professional and home life. While your vocabulary is still limited, you can understand and make yourself understood without difficulty.

Level 4

Intermediate to upper intermediate

Hours: 50 Hours

This level, comprising units 15 to 19, provides students with the vocabulary and syntax necessary to describe, ask, and answer questions about their and others’ leisure time and hobbies.

The level is intended for students with an intermediate level in their target language. Through a combination of conversational, written, and reading exercises, students are guided through sentence structures and vocabulary necessary to bring them to an upper-intermediate level.

This level lasts approximately 50 hours. It is suitable for students with a high B1 to lower B2 level in the language. After 50 hours of studies, students should be at a high B2 level in the language.

By the end of this level: You can get by most social situations and participate in conversations on everyday topics such as work, free time, and family. While your vocabulary is still limited, you can understand and make yourself understood without difficulty.

Level 5

Upper intermediate to advanced

Hours: 50 Hours

This level, comprising units 20 to 24, provides students with the vocabulary and syntax necessary to talk about past sequences of events (a) at work, (b) on vacations or during the weekend, and (c) short anecdotes.

This level lasts approximately 50 hours. It is suitable for students with an upper B2 level in the language. After 50 hours of studies, students should be at a C1 level in the language.

This level is intended for students with a grounded social level in the language. By the end of the level, students should reach a lower socio-professional level of communication. Students should be able to participate in conversations and discussions on social and intellectual topics. This level is sufficient for a student to get past everyday life in a country and for basic professional needs.

Language levels, Learn French, Geneva, A1, A2, A3, A4

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