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Reading Exercises

The objective of these reading exercises is to help students improve their reading skills in a foreign language. Often, people learning a foreign language will make the mistake of overanalyzing each sentence or stopping to look up each word they do not recognize. As a result, people often lose motivation and stop reading.

 Students will be presented with short texts. They will have a few minutes to read them. They will then be given a set of questions to test their understanding of the texts. Finally, using key points of the text, students will be asked to narrate the short story. The objective is that a student read through a text quickly while understanding the principal points. There may be words that students do not understand, but this is unimportant. What matters is that the person reading the text understands the overall content.

 As a point of comparison, when we read in our language, we may not always understand all the words we encounter. However, we tend to read past them quickly, and the general context of the text gives meaning to the words.

Reading is an excellent way to improve vocabulary and general fluency. The techniques presented in this exercise should improve students' confidence to read in the language being learned. Students are encouraged to read in their spare time.

Hours: Approximately 5 hours

A little problem at school – Part 1

A little problem at school – Part 2

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