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Spelling & Pronunciation
These exercises aim to help students improve their pronunciation. A series of letters are dictated throughout the exercises. These include isolated letters, letters that make up words, and letters that makeup names. The objective is to help students improve their pronunciation by repeating after the recording and by reading a series of letters out loud. Letters are combined to help stress their sound and help students best hear their pronunciation.
Certain sounds are isolated. The first time they are encountered, sounds are presented in an optimal context for a varied range of speakers.
These exercises can be used to improve your phonetic approach to spelling. By helping students understand the correct pronunciation of letters, the exercises also help students avoid mistakes when writing. This said, for the most part, spelling in English is not phonetic but instead built around a specific set of rules that, in turn, govern pronunciation. These exercises are not intended to improve structural issues with spelling. The rules governing English spelling are looked at over another course.
Hours: Approximately 7 hours
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